My wife also painted one of the Bloodbound from the Shadespire set as a black dude, and I do like how the dark skin contrasts with the weapons....
OMG those pots....
The Zombie Dragon looks great! :)
Sounds good to me! :)
I do not play 40k, but it might happen in the future. I own a total of two 40k models, both T'au heroes, and the T'au Codex. But it turns out...
Hey y'all! I am searching for someone who has read Skaven Pestilens by Josh Reynolds and can answer me some questions about how the part of Ghur...
That's a mighty fine Dread Saurian!
Agree. Good job!
Welcome! Dwarves are cool, too. Post some pics if you like to. :)
Finishing chapter 2 of my new story
Welcome to Lustria! You seem to be missing some battleline units, but for 500 we can make something happen I think: You could proxy your Priest...
I like how from afar they look kinda monochrome and when you look closer you notice all the little nuances.
Very colorful, which makes it look pretty mayan. I usually don't dare to do that many colors on one model but I like how yours turned out. :)
Nice transition!
I love the look on her face in the last picture. She's like "it's right behind me isn't it?" :D
Amazing work, as always. :)
Haha great!
Woohoo! People being alive is one of my favourite things, generally speaking. :)
And if you manage to get the whole unit onto a piece of terrain then their 3+ save can make them a pain in the ass to kill.
I normally enjoy puzzles but those are.. meh.