The main problem playing Tiktaq-to is that I am missing the living battering ram that is Kroq-Gar. That one can basically tank half an army by...
Good job! Nice to see the Master of the Skies, I am playing his campaign in TWW2 right now. :)
To be honest... As long as they don't squat us I don't really mind. Worst case would be that they really kill us off and replace us by yet another...
Citing this comic because somewhat relevant: [IMG] The Order Grand Alliance is a very mixed bag. "Civilized" or "Good" would not be attributes...
I think it might.
This is the full content of the post on 4chan, no link or picture: Edit: The Blood Bowl team however says nothing. All kinds of old factions...
AFAIK it has been done in official tournaments and was ruled OK, I don't recall if there was a FAQ about it. But that's a good point you have...
I always liked his stories back in the day. And man, that show was chock full of comic book homages (both DC and Marvel).
especially since the supposed whiteboard source doesn't talk at all about stuff we know like Bone tithe or similar stuff.
I also read it. Not sure if it means anything. Unless it is a long time thing I think it is rather unlikely. If they planned to phase us out soon...
Nice models, but... are you sure about their origins? There is no Fleetmaster in the Silver Tower box. Only three of them are heroes from the...
Pretty much. Space Marines are popular so they have priority.
That's my thoughts as well. Some of them will be removed but get a new model instead, fitting the new aesthetic.
Disgusting. Good job!
Yep, we discussed it in the news thread. I will most likely buy it. Not yet though.
No, we cannot let that happen.
I am still torn between liking the fact that the Chameleon Skinks have more Chamelon traits (such as the claws), and disliking that they......
Most teams don't have a big guy.
...and people call Loki and his goat story weird. But then, sex with animals seems to be something the Greeks loved to have in their stories, it...
But you can teleport. :)