Btw if I count correctly then GW will beat their previous record of "most Battletomes released in one year", from 2016 (nine Battletomes) this...
It is the adjective to "ganking" I guess.
Oh man that reminds me of the time I had made a double Basti list, and then saw that my opponent enemy had a Daemon army. It wouldn't even have...
I understand where you are coming from, but as a socially rather inept person I'd love to be able to play any legal list without being frowned...
I'd be inclined to answer that thread title with "General Kenobi!", but I won't. :D Welcome to the forums! :)
In my D&D campaign (3.5E, Forgotten Realms) it was my standard way of explaining why some stuff just was like it was. And yes it was a tad...
I did some work on Arkhan (on his mount to be precise) Ghostly parts on the Dread Abyssal are done, working on the bones now, I'd say about 50%...
If he has a Black Coach try to hit it hard and early.
I don't get it.
In short: drastically. At least if we are talking about magic and monsters like in a D&D world. Back in the early 2000s I was a pretty active...
Slann + Cogs and/or Balewind Vortex works well. Keep in mind though that the Slann can only cast one of the endless spells himself. I usually...
They are about the same as the ones from Army Painter, I have to order them online. They do have a nice range of colors though, and similar prices...
I painted a few parts on Arkhan's dread abyssal.
Those look pretty good.
I usually use Army Painter primers, but I have to order those online, and the can was just available in the GW store so I got one. Pleasant surprise.
Welcome back! The stickied thread should have you covered. If not, just ask. :)
Great work!
Well deserved! :)