Yeah the Australia Day game is always in Adelaide. I think the Brisbane game is coming up on sunday though, the Gabba is no longer a lake.
Hmm I'm pretty sure you actually don't HAVE to use the generals leadership... That would be rather silly if you did. Generally when there are...
Its this lad here: [attach] There was a previous thread about it, but not too much on what oyu could use to make it... Definitely a tough model...
Well, I know it was yesterday, but if I was sober for any of it that would be unAustralian! Also, its probably still today in some parts of the...
Re: Rokanos' WIP Lizzy Host The photos all work fine for me. Maybe it was a temporary problem? Look again. Or try using a different browser and...
It is definitely going to restart, just hasn't happened yet. I said it was on the plans for this year, and its only January so far. Now might be a...
Re: Farsights army painting Just realised I should move this to painting logs. Now done.
Re: The Rise of Xaxlachaq - A Blog UPDATE: 1/23 Just realised I should move this to painting logs. Now done.
Cool idea. So to sum up.... Which is better?
Yeah.... To start with I had trouble getting motivated, then the thread disappeared into the depth of the board and I really forgot about it, or...
Apparently there are other reasons to visit as well...? I applaud it and think its about time the rest of the world followed. I won't state any...
I kinda wish I had voted 5th ed now, just so it had something... My early few games of WHFB were a hybrid of 5th and 6th, mostly 5th but with the...
You are only casting each spell once per magic phase? Because I am struggling to find a lore that has 5 magic missiles in it...
Yep, sorry. Steg is 100*50mm, Slann is 50*50mm.