Well there is now +1 combat res for charging, so still a small incentive to do so. But good point that it doesn't really matter a lot if you do or...
Wow thats really cool! I toyed with the idea of a crocodile scheme for them, but decided I wouldn't be able to find the correct muted colours. You...
Yeah MI_Tiger is right on this one. If you go 4 wide, you get no rank bonus, you needed onyl 4 in 6th edition but in 7th and 8th you need 5 across...
Yep thats correct, effects from the Slann banner and TG banner will combine but characters cannot take a magic banner unless they are the BSB, and...
It also depends on your browser... In firefox, it is the top option and it is 'View Image'. Also, I commented on this photo in the facebook...
Haha welcome to the board, interesting way to find the place! I've found warhammer mods for games not all that common in general, I guess despite...
All reasonable choices, I'd probably go for the first. The ring is very tempting, but I leaned away since you said he is defensive, and if he is...
I'm sure you're not deliberately left off the list, it would be a copy-paste job from a list that wasn't complete to start with. :) My first...
Firstly, for those not sure how to post photos, have a look at the tutorial here. SeBM, maybe edit a link into the first post? I agree that...
Thats why I suggested put an orange foundation down first. At the moment you are doing yellow straight onto black, so it will take a lot of coats...
SeBM, put me in. I'll give it a go, and if I don't get anything done... Well, I haven't lost anything. I won't set any specific goals yet, but I...
Sounds interesting. But honestly, my motivation is so low I would have trouble even if I was signed up to this. All I have painted in the last...
I like the black and yellow one, but if you want it to stand out more start with the scales as the orange foundation paint colour, then build up...
I've used greenstuff in the joints, and it doesn't really add much strength at all. But it does make them easier to assemble since the GS will...
You can't delete posts, only mods/admins can. That list looks pretty decent now. Whether you take magic or combat characters is entirely up to...
No don't take saurus in a horde unit. The reason is they are so wide that very very few opponents you face will actually have a unit wide enough...
Yeah, as was mentioned in another thread painting is about getting out what you put in. Don't want to go to the trouble of layering them, no...
Re: The Rise of Xaxlachaq - A Blog UPDATE: 2/1 Yeah its definitely possible, not sure how valuable it would be though. I'll have a chat with...
Use both. The brighter green does make them look more striking, but it looks unfinished. Try painting first snot green, then highlight or...
Re: The Rise of Xaxlachaq - A Blog UPDATE: 2/1 Oh wow. Is that going to be a Slann palanquin? More like a throne. I'm definitely keen to see...