Weclome to the board, thousandthson! Generally a thread this broad won't get too much attention, and you are better off having a bit of a look and...
Hey all, I have an idea for a new painting subforum to compliment the army logs, or maybe even a subforum of the army logs. How about we have a...
This it? If so, it looks really good for just basic techniques! I will be amazed if you can get a whole army to this standard in one afternoon.
That razordon has me very interested. Did you add spikes to it that weren't there before? It seems to have a much different tail to mine, and...
Wow that sounds like a very ambitious task. Good luck with it! I'd be very interested to see how your army turns out looking, and what techniques...
There is indeed. It is somewhat subjective, but usually the top 2-3 are pretty much agreed upon. Here is a thread for WHFB:...
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update May 6th***) I have to echo the sentiments that the massive engine of the gods on top looks...
Yep, its insane. And that may well set the precedent for the rest of the batallion boxes unfortunately. Additionally, there is going to be a...
Wow, you're a machine to get such nice looking terrain completed so quickly! Looks great.
Have there been any troubles with the link or people accessing this? It works for me, but I am not finding anyone online anymore. Remember, you...
Yeah you should be happy with them, they look great! Very nice work. I really like how you did the blue areas.
There is the first one. Looks like it will be a bit of a pain to post them. What you want is the link in the img section of the forum embed, not...
Re: Something Big this way comes....A Thunder Lizard Seige Tower Wow. That thing is huge! Very awesome looking so far. I love all the platforms...
Wow, I'd like to see a full nid in those colours. Looks good! I have always been a big PC game fanboy, but more and more they are annoying me. An...
Yep, agree. I was going to say because one person wrote the BRB FAQ, while someone else wrote the LM FAQ. We know if BRB and Army Book...
Wow, that is fantastic looking terrain! I very much look verward to seeing some of it finished.
No idea. I've never really used the forum, a week is a long time to be off the air though.. Moving this to General Chat.
Yeah the stegadon really does have a huge amount of detail... Just wait until you get to the howdah! Looks very cool so far, nice work.
Yep, steg gets thunderstomp.
Cool, sounds good. I have had a look at some of their models and they do look very very good, I had a small contingent when Grey Knights first got...