Yep exactly, salamanders can but razordons cannot. Razordons are not a very good choice at all.
They look good! Nice work.
Yeah I'd definitely go Skaven up 1, VC down at least 1 maybe 2, Dark Elves up 1. I'd say LM are in the top 4 or 5, they are a very solid list and...
Well when you use the pro version, it is unit types that you create not actual units. For example, a saurus as a base model can then be equipped...
Cool, I have just had a play with the program for half an hour or so. Will take a little bit of fiddling from everyone interested to get used to...
Bump? Everyone check the new link on the main page to the chat. Its an IRC channel now, better than the old one, lots more features, and easy to...
Sounds interesting, I'll give it a go. The link you posted to the battle server didn't work for me though.
They look good. Some kind of ruined temple base maybe, bit of flagstone and lots of moss covered ground, maybe some vines as well.
Yeah you can place him anywhere in the second rank. I agree though, a flank might be a bit of a problem. Don't want your toad geting killed while...
You missed my model.. Unit filler. Josh, looks good! I like the shield, and yeah the grey colour schem works well.
Looks good Eladimir, every stegadon impresses me just because I know how much work is required to complete one. So much detail! I would suggest...
I agree, the gold looks fantastic! Is it NMM? Almost looks like it.
Wow that was quick. It was a very nice looking army, by the way!
Finally have myself on the board! [attach] More pics and description on my Paint Log thread.
Thanks guys, yeah I'm pretty happy with the terradon. Very time consuming though, I plan to make a unit of 10 eventually but will take a long time...
Very striking, looks good mate!
Wow Chakax really makes those skinks look small doesn't he!
Sounds about right! Not statistically, but seriously... Lasguns vs terminators aren't going to scratch them! In my last battle, my unit of High...
The only one I know of is this: That is assuming you are in the UK. It is the one from customer service, when you...
If you want them to look older, a 'faded' version of your usual colour scheme would probably work well. I'm not sure exactly what colours you are...