@Erta Wanderer. Are you referring to Cold-Blooded? Does it actually work that way, meaning that Coalesced just test off of their base bravery?
There are some interesting possibilities on Etsy.com. Here is one vendor I found who has some dinosaur-themed dice and some space-themed dice....
I just watched Khorne curbstomp Seraphon on a Mini Wargaming video. It really showed that without our synergies, our warscrolls are a little...
I hate waiting. [MEDIA]
Will it be another week before we possibly see some responses to Seraphon questions?
Nicely done, @Erta Wanderer and @LizardWizard! I hope you'll have enough Seraphon topics to drive multiple podcasts. To that point, maybe the...
Warscroll Builder on the GW community page is updated now.
Thanks @Asamu. I'm sorry, like I said early, I just misunderstood your post. I thought you meant that a max unit had 12 salamanders. My mistake....
English version says "must" https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls//Seraphon_warscroll_Salamander-Hunting-Pack-en.pdf
Thanks for clarifying, @Erta Wanderer, maybe I just misunderstood that early post.
Okay, I think I'm a little confused on how Hunting Packs work. How are you getting 12 Salamanders? When I look at the book it says that the...
@Erta Wanderer that's fair. Like I said, I don't think I evaluate the units with the same insight as most of you. Speaking of the Troglodon,...
That feels a little low, but I'm definitely NO expert with points. It does have 12 wounds, decent movement, adequate ranged/melee combat,...
Do you think GW kept it without rend to help differentiate it from the Carnosaur? It's like a "dinosaur wizard". More than the rend, I think it...
That's a lovely turquoise color. Contrast paint?
Drums are... instrumental to game play. Ba dum tss! ;)
Whoa! I did NOT notice that. You know that's getting changed in the errata. Lol
I "liked" this, but I don't really LIKE this. :( I was afraid of that. My LGS is already out. Not a big deal b/c I can just use the ones from the...
For those of you who got the Seraphon Warscroll cards (or other armies), does it include only unit warscrolls, or battalion (Sunclaw,...