I also think the Razordon/Salamander warscrolls are very clumsily built/worded, plus being very cheap for what they do; which I like, but still...
Lots of this makes me sad. I'm NOT that happy with the new Bastiladon warscroll. EDIT: I guess, I just miss the unmodified save.
Rerolling Ones Battle Report with the new Seraphon battletome. They do get some rules wrong, but I really enjoy watching these guys. [MEDIA]
We'll just have to agree... to partially agree?
@ILKAIN my local store manager told me a couple weeks ago that preorders usually go live at 1pm EST. There have been A LOT of posts, and I've...
What does the generic Cities wizard do?
This does take the wind out of my "preorder excitement" sails. I know I'm only looking at the glass as half empty, but I might just wait and see...
Man, the "teases" and the reactions are coming rapid fire! It's a lot to process. Do we think these reveals are genuine? They seem legitimate, and...
Lol. What did I just watch?
OOPS! I was wrong! Knights showed up in one of the first images. I guess I tried to block out those sleepy looking Cold Ones... ha ha ha. Sorry...
Interesting rule changes/additions, and I think I generally like most of what I see. Unchanged basic rules for the Starborne with a new option in...
You know something that has been conspicuously absent from the new artwork we've seen... Cold One Knights. I know we've seen them in a photo from...
Seeing the constellations as tokens makes me wonder if we might be able to place different ones on different units? Kind of like spells or prayers?
I think Seraphon are like Star Wars; especially pre-2000 Star Wars. A fan-favorite faction. We've been waiting so long that fans have made their...
Thank you for the update @Moulinglacia. Skinks over Saurus is not unexpected, but it still disappoints me. I'm also frustrated that our knights...
That's right. I forgot it would be the reveal of the preorder, not the preorder itself. Good call.
My guess is that seraphon are not this Sunday, February 23. But, since we are "on the March" I speculate we'll be revealed the following Sunday,...
Sidetracked thread. Lovely paint job. What colors did you use of you don't mind? They're nice and bright.
Every army comes in second to Lizardmen/Seraphon. ;) Seriously, there are a lot of really cool looking AoS minis, so it's hard to pick. I haven't...