If you check out the Scar-Veteran on Cold One, he wears a Skaven cloak. His back spines have torn through parts of the cloak. However, maybe your...
Cool. Whatever style that works for you is good. There's not just one way to paint. Plus, this topic should probably be posted in the painting...
The Slann is actually a model made by Lost Kingdom, as part of their Cuetzpal Kickstarter. It's big, but quite cool. All very nicely painted...
In fairness, I think Warhammer armies have used "chaff" since the beginning. Warhammer represents medieval battlefield combat (albeit with high...
IF there are new saurus models, my guess for a possible dual box would be Starborne Saurus/Coalesced Saurus. One being more "savage looking" than...
@Lord Skal'terakk, I hope you're right. My main concern is that most of the carry-over factions that still exist haven't received any new models...
My guess is that, if we do have more warscrolls, it's because there will be separate cards for the "Coalesced" Seraphon. I agree with some other...
@Killer Angel, I agree about the terrain. I know this minor, but I really dig the cover art. Maaayybe, GW will "Make Saurus Great Again"?
Sweet, we finally got an updated battletome! It looks like we got a "skaven" update (book & terrain, but no models or spells), which is about what...
I must confess, I'm actually waiting on GW for a Seraphon update before I buy more beloved lizards (on the hopes that there might be updated...
I assume no Seraphon. Any AoS reveals next week will be either more pointy elves tease, Warcry, or Beastgrave (or the next Underworlds evolution)....
It does help. Thank you!
Lovely colors on those Seraphon @MackiMac! If you don't mind, would you be willing to share your Seraphon skin & scale recipe? I don't know if...
I think the new schemes look pretty good. Personally, I like the turquoise crest with red membrane as well. Yes, the Contrast paints do tint a...
I'm not sure I agree. At worst, I'd say Drakespawn Knights are about the same as us. But, all things being equal, I actually think they might be...
I just saw there is a Nurgle chaos warrior tutorial, from Mengel, on the GW site. So, my guess is the Nurgle is the next book.
I won't deny, I was really the most focused on the Drakehound too. I guess that good modelers could make something out of the Toad Fiend and...
I agree that the size of all of these models is a big question mark.
I found a pretty cool 3D model site that (I feel) has some nice looking minis which could work as proxies. IF we ever get our book update, and if...
Great. I ask because I know you used it only as a "pin wash" in that video. I wasn't sure if the contrast mix would stain a model too much if used...