Very nice models. I have the Hurricanum but I think it’s going to ebay as I have no need for it.
Cover the holes with tape then polyfilla and shape it into a rock
I've bought the Battletome, looks like Ironjawz mixed with allies.
Missing piece is another Carny
Ponder ponder, It’s looking like Ironjawz but I could do with seeing their rules first.
Welcome back, would a childs jewellery box work?
But if your going 40k you would use it all the time.
Would you tighten the wheel nuts on your car with your fingers? Use the tools to make it easier, I hardly use mine but I will and it is so fast...
From your list I would say a SC box that will allow you to field 40 warriors after that Razors and another Steggy.
I will adapt this thread into a blog for you @TheCrux
Here to help, especially new painters
Imagine you have a placard in your hand and chant the following while rasing it up and down. Baby trog! Baby trog! Baby trog! Baby trog!
Kroak should be able to crack a Reaver nut.
First of get the GW painting app it has loads of models in it with the colours explained. The Skinks above are a very standard colour scheme for...