Hello boys and girls and welcome to Let's Get Motivated - May 2018 This thread is too get us motivated each month into finishing projects that we...
I said the same..... Nearly 500 models later
I would because you will want a Death army at some point.
In other news, [ATTACH] www.cubicle7.co.uk
The legion of Nagash book is the latest ruleset for Death models and the following have the SUMMONABLE keyword Bat swarms Fell bats Zombies...
I can edit your linked post but it's not a thread just a post. so maybe @The Red Devil may have an answer
Skeleton warriors, Zombies do have the key word so the ability does apply to them, also he knows all the spells of any other undead wizard so if...
Tie the skeletons and zombies up with your skinks, wary fighter out etc. I guess you roll a dice for each marker on the table and the first six...
Decent stuff from Kromlech, I got 10 Ork punk heads for my Ironjawz Ardboys and they look great.
One dice
Have you finished your Orruks or are you going all out on the gobbo's?
Take out Nagash game over. To beat Death you have to take out the heros or you have little chance, teleport, shadowstrike, take allies, SCE...
Use bloodletter and apply it thinly don’t let it puddle. Regarding the base, have you got any 20mm sg bases? cut the lip of stick them onto the...
The trade forum had very limited activity so it was locked and no longer accessible. If you have items to sell or need start a thread in general
And once you run out buy vallejo they come in dropper bottles ;)
For scenery I learnt a great trick when I did my Warhammer world painting day. Prime it black, then drybrush it brown all over, then drybrush it...
If we listen to the scientists and do exactly as they say what would we do, hardly nothing. All things in moderation.
You don't need separate threads as this is your paint blog so just stick it all in here, what most of us do is just change the title slightly when...
Oh but it is, the pungent smell of rotting flesh and pulsating buboes is like the smell of freshly cut grass or flowers to a Nurgle follower. :vomit:
It's not about the finish but the journey getting there.;)