This is were I paint [ATTACH] This is were I airbrush etc [ATTACH]
That’s exactly what I will do and sell what I don’t need
Things are chugging along so far I have incoming, x1 Megaboss x 30 Ardboyz x 10 Brutes x 2 Warchanters x 2 Weirnob x 3 Gore gruntas Still to get...
Stabilisers come to mind
@HolySalad Regarding your pictures you can upload them directly to the site, just hit upload file bottom right
That sounds brilliant, keep us updated with regular pics ;)
Tell me more on the Oruuk!!!
I don't mind buying something expensive if it works well, I bought a cheap small one but it's pretty dire tbh.
I will photo my space when I get home and post pics
You have to be faster than that :D
That looks good but I think you should maybe try and pick out some detail like the cracks etc, a brown wash/shade applied in the cracks will do it.
Are you going to age the skull next?
Any shade will darken the scales you cannot get away from that other than a recess wash which would take you ages. What you should do it reapply...
@Drimon Looking good
What I do when converting is get all my bits and spread them out in front of me, there is always something you spot and use. Does not have to be...
I've been looking for a glass like that but I was not sure about how the magnifying glass works as in can you still paint in the details.
Welcome aboard, we have a few posters that are more interested in the modelling side of the hobby. Why not start a painting blog, you will see...
Mines less than that :D
Yes it is @Nefertem
Yes we know that, you never have to re roll just because you can ;)