Just had a look at stuff that's available and I have a hit list. Weirdnob warband x2 £61.98 SC Ironjawz £38 Megaboss...
@NIGHTBRINGER painted a unit @NIGHTBRINGER painted a unit ei ie adioo @NIGHTBRINGER painted a unit.
Yep Nagash has Monster keyword
I agree, they should make the Balewind have wounds and therefore can be destroyed by melee, they could make it immune to mortal wounds etc etc
Hmmm I've just read the rules and it says, A wizard atop a balewind cannot move but may banish it to return to the ground, I know teleporting...
Started on Keldrek, and 2 Wight kings.
Looking good so far, are you doing a pattern on the Carny?
Looks great I really do like your scheme it adds real drama to the models.
At 1000 points the more wounds you have the better, you have a priest for mystic shield etc then as you escalate up you could add in a shadowstrike.
10 skinks, 1 Razordon, 5 guards is 200 points are the models on the table better than the battalion that's what you need to look at.
What else have you got that's ready? I agree with @Aginor 200 ponts for the battalion is a massive investment that's 40 skinks!
Absolutely Is that an Esse range I spot in the background?
He looks great I would be tempted to add a bit of colour to his eyes maybe red or green
So could your opponent use it?
If Kroak leaves the balewind can another wizard use it?
Yeah I have no intention of painting it, will go to ebay this week with a few others and the proceeds will go on Ironjawz, waaaghhh
Nice report and well done on your first victory and a bonus point for fully painted, get cracking on that 1000 point list.
Your getting there, what have you left to paint?
Welcome aboard, if your a painter why not start a painting blog so you can monitor your progress and we can comment on your work also we have a...
Welcome aboard, You will never use 2 Troglodons, as @dinoSTARZ has already stated a Basilidon would be your next purchase you could also look at...