Good job on all of those!
Sure, that's what I said, too. It just fit. The very purpose of the PT was showing a time before all the Jedi were gone.
Absolutely. Some people even thought there were too many lightsaber users in the PT and especially in Clone Wars.
I plan to paint my next one quite similarly. Looks gouda! (Yes I noticed that autocorrect changed good to gouda. I left it because it is...
If you give the tail an interesting paint job it should work.
The more I read about that Dieter guy the more I think he could be a relatively good fit.
Yep, that's a pretty badass hero. :)
Double Dread probably isn't worth it from a competitive point of view, but it sure sounds awesome and it would be pretty shocking for many...
@Lord-Marcus you are a machine. Sure, your models might not exactly be the most detailed in the world, but your output at what I would call...
Minutes if he uses the right techniques. But that's not allowed (just sayin'. We don't want this here). The regular way.... Hours. Let's assume...
Sound like Kilrathi (from Wing Commander)
I have magnetized mine so I can choose. When summoned I decide based on one thing: Am I really desperate to get at least a wound or two onto some...
So... I know this is basically an ad. Still nice. [MEDIA]
Question for the lore experts: Could it be possible that Kemmler lived? I can hardly imagine it. He did betray Nagash didn't he? So Nagash...
It is a pretty good monster to summon as it is more likely to make the charge. It is relatively cheap. Against unarmored hordes (like Skaven or...
Wtf Elon... :D
Were you already a Slann at that point?
I wish I had the power to do SQL queries on the forum. I'd love to make some statistics like for exame on how many posts of mine are actually on...