A world in which religiously fanatic, racist, genocidal Nazis who have no respect for life, not even the lives of their people, pass as the good...
I went to the GW store and bought a can of that new primer. I hope I find the time to do anything with it soon.
IMO they would have to change too much of the world to make it even remotely acceptable to a wide range of people, and then they would alienate...
That's a really nice post release strategy. I like it.
I remember seeing that clip a few years ago, that's a really impressively long name for that place and very hard to pronounce for people who don't...
I can smell it in the wind, I can feel it in the sun, the Stars tell it, the bones talk of it, and so on. To be honest, I don't know any more...
They already hinted at something like that once or twice actually. Some Seraphon being more real than others. But yeah, I'd like them to expand on...
I really like the idea, but from a game perspective: please not another thing only a Slann can do. One of the things I dislike about Seraphon at...
Definitely looks like a fun list to play. And enemy lists without a good amount of mortal wound available to them might actually struggle a lot...
IMO without a Slann you don't only effectively ditch summoning but also - our best wizard - synergy with EotG - our two best command traits - a...
Agree with @Canas They got cheaper and they have their uses. Firelance works best inside a Dracothion's Tail super-bataillion though.
Agree. Probably they just thought: let's include some more factions, especially for people who don't give a s*** about the story and just want to...
I think it is because they are _very_ close to Chaos. They are brutal and love fighting. I totally see them going to fight other warbands in...
Some really nice painting in those pictures. Can't wait to see the Lost Kingdom stuff painted as well. :)
Discworld rules! Well, some of it. I liked the Nightwatch books but the other ones are a bit of a mixed bag for me.
This doesn't work if they are two inches away as they cannot shoot or charge out of combat. AoS combat is 3", perhaps you mixed it up with 40k or...
That's awesome! It completely blew my mind when I realized what it is.
Q1: at least Ripperdactyls also have their "slashing claws" attack. So not completely weird. Q2: perhaps they wanted to call them after...
Lazordons!! Cool idea!