Agree. Nice OSL!
I think you might have forgotten an attachment...
They look really great! Finish them!!!
Appreciated. I had no idea what he was talking about. :D
The thing is: it is a bit unreliable. And you risk the spells being unbound. Sure it can work. But to me it is kind of a gambler's choice.
You can fire in melee. You just cannot fire at anything that isn't in melee with you, if you are in melee. So the tactic of fighting the chaff in...
Wait.... is that... the discworld cosmology made of knitted wool????
I think everyone should have at least 60 Skinks.
Lol, imagine that: Opponent: Ok let's roll off who begins setup Seraphon player: nah, you get first anyway Opponent: but I have, like, eight...
The purple gums and orange eyes really pop!
Bringing the old Skink spam could actually still work against some armies. Downside: they will never play with you again. :D Allegiance:...
I'd like at least one of the following: - bombs stay one-use, but do reliable damage - bombs become multi-use - shooting does a bit more damage...
Yep. Best teleport in the game. Sadly the Chameleon Skinks aren't exactly great in combat so it probably won't be of much use.
For the Balewind Vortex you could do this: - Get the exact footprint of the BWV - make that out of some of that 2mm plastic sheet - put some...
Terradons might need a small rule update, but I agree that the models look cool.
That's a lot of endless spells.
I used Army Painter colors, but my recipe is pretty similar. Middle to dark brown, shade dark brown or black, highlight with light brown or bone.
Nice work on both models! My sole point of critique for the Basti would be on its crew, you didn't paint the claws. Looking forward to seeing...
Judging by their history (I looked it up, very interesting) we can make a reasonable assumption: They are both bred from the same wild plant, but...
Yeah a Slann on a Steggy would definitely be something!