It definitely felt a bit like a throw away game from the Seraphon player.
Do you think GW will go the route of pre-painted minis?? Or do you think they're just going to start having more colored plastic like Shadespire...
Also bummed at no rep in AoS. Sigh...
I only caught the last part of the battle, but I think I heard the moderator say that the seraphon force was not focusing on summoning. So, I...
Here were the forces: Seraphon: Slann Starmaster (General, Arcane Might), Eternity Warden, Astrolith Bearer, 30 Saurus Warriors, 10 Saurus...
I think Seraphon just lost, 2-6.
I was JUST going to post that. So, I guess the AoS previews will be Slannesh and Fyreslayers. I was SO hoping for some lizard love. I just don't...
I recently watched a T&T battle report. The Seraphon player fielded an Eternity Warden, who saved the Slann a couple of times before both could...
If you look on the GW site, I think the big reveals will be on Thursday.
"It's not that bad... Well, I'm not saying I'd like to build a summer home here, but the trees are actually quite lovely." -Westley (referring to...
Extraordinary work! It's great fun to see fully painted armies. And thank you for sharing so much of your process.
Yes, I agree with Imrahil, that it's not your box. It seems like Saurus Knights are just a pain to put together. If it's of any help to you, here...
Oops. Sorry about that. Yeah, my friends who use their phones rarely get good photos without adjusting them later. Well, you could wash them...
Yes. Or maybe a lighter, or darker, skin color on the saurus? Something to add more contrast to the yellow. An interesting color scheme.
Looks solid. Good luck and let us know how it goes. :)
Thank you! Additionally, @Itepixcauh, do you use medium in these colors, like the skink steps?
Yes, thank you for posting the Battle Report @zubrin. Well done! I know you just faced Greenskins (and older army), but I'm impressed Seraphon did...
I think this is a fine looking warband. Keep in mind, at 250pts. you could easily face some difficult armies. Stormcast, for example, can dish out...
I really like the look of your skink priest. I must jump on board and ask you to share your color steps/choices. If you don't mind, how did you...
I agree. That was one of my favorite things to discover when I picked up Lizardmen all those years ago. That these Slann, when they all connected...