Sigh... so, no Seraphon updates from GAMA. The only thing that could be a Seraphon tease is the new short trailer for Forbidden Power. In fact, at...
Yes, I think it's primarily the US site that has a lot of seraphon out of stock.
:jawdrop: Umm... they all look awesome! It's hard to pick a favorite b/c there's something I really like about each. I guess the first one (with...
@Killer Angel, I agree, I think our battletomb & warscrolls need a bit of update & polish. But I must confess, whenever my friends and I watch...
Hi @Itepixcauh. First, I could/should "like" every single image in this blog... and I might go back and do that. :D Wonderful work! I have a VERY...
I LOVE the Sepulchral Guard minis, and they're the team I play just because of that. They can be a challenge to win at times, so good luck!...
I agree. It's only some crazy theories rattling around in my head, based off of one short story (although I do think GW is going to do something...
I wouldn't say "won't happen", but I agree that my theory's a bit out there. To clarify, I didn't mean that the elves really became those races...
I have a buddy who plays Ironjawz, and he was JUST complaining about how his army feels a little left out. But, the Las Vegas Open mentions new...
I guess my friends and I are a bit "out of the norm", b/c this was our gateway game into AoS (a few of us played Warhammer many years ago, but...
@Wilhelm Stürmer, you know if that figure wasn't quite so big, it would actually make a decent razordon replacement too. Thanks.
Minor update February 2019 Although I've had most of the pieces clipped and cleaned for a while, I've finally started assembling my saurus...
I recently played a 250 pt. skirmish game. I had trouble getting skinks to do much, but that's probably due more to my poor play. I had two...
I agree that they feel rather lightweight at times. I recently played a skirmish game, and used too many skinks to fill points. They did very...
:jawdrop: Wow! A very vibrant and exciting looking army of lizards, which can be tough to achieve. It has a great "tropical" feel to the colors,...
I appreciate that. Since I'm an untested painter, it's nice to see some of these paint colors on a mini to get a better idea of what they look...
The minis look really cool @Lord Skal'terakk! I like how you did the red patterns on the Saurus. Looks like war paint. I might be stealing that....
I hear you @Putzfrau, I struggle with making the points much higher than 100 for the same reason. But I think to give saurus warriors a better...
Thanks all for the input so far. I decided to keep the unit's Wounds at 1 and their Saves at 5+, but I raised their Attacks to 2. I altered their...
Yes, @Lord-Marcus. I based the mini in Celestra Grey.