We did look into that a while ago when the 24 hour challenge was being planned, but didn't find anything suitable enough. General Chat is a good...
Haven't had snow in... Well, never. It has been uncharacteristically cold and wet for november though, days in the high teens and cloudy when...
Welcome to the board, and good opening post! You seem to have drawn good conclusions there in line with what most people think. In regards to the...
If you want them coiled like the skink model tails, you are much better off cutting the tails off and making new ones with greenstuff. Or at least...
www.forgeworld.co.uk is the main site, which mostly have 40k stuff though they have made a couple of WHFB pieces and terrain.
I don't think they have opened the website for it yet, its going to be called Warhammer Forge. Was unveiled at several Games Days this year, if...
The best way seems to be to bend the tails a bit into a position where they will not interfere with the model behind them, they should bend cold...
10, maybe 12, I wouldn't go more than that. If you want a lot oyu might as well take two small units rather than 1 big, makes more targets for the...
I would be talking about the new Assassin's Creed, but unfortunately, Ubisoft delayed the PC release until March next year for absolutely no...
Forgeworld has a new department focusing on WHFB stuff which is apparently going to be bringing out a lot of stuff next year; some of the kits...
That looks really cool, good work so far! For the skin between horns, you would almost have to use something like hardened tissue paper rather...
If you have more ranks than your opponent at the end of a round of combat, you are classed as stubborn. I don't think many units are going to...
Yeah very cool skink models mate, great work! That is similar to what I want my charmeleon skinks to look like, however, I don't think I have...
Yeah moving to General Chat.. I didn't really like MW2, so I haven't really paid much attention to Black Ops. I doubt I will play it.
Wow not much advancement in this thread either. Sucks about your comp, Xlontiqu. Mine got a virus a couple weeks ago, luckily I was able to fix it...
Very sorry for the delay, guys. Things have got rather busy and hectic here, in fact not sure if people have noticed or not, but I haven't been...
OOC: This day was meant to end today, but I'm going to extend it because not much has happened. Remember, all actions make sure you PM me so I...
I'm interested... And I have to admit the Collectors Edition did look tempting, but not enough. I think its going to be another case of warhammer...
I agree, he looks really good! I'd love to see some bigger photos to see a bit more of the detail though.
Never even heard of it I must admit.