Cool I need to read and play more!
Good call, I think the Astrolith and priest would have more impact on the game than the Carny.
Hmmm, I would drop the Carny yes he is cool but seems out of place here. I would add in Astrolith and more Razors
To use Lords of space and time don't you need a caster? @Aginor
For a beginner Saurus Knights might not be the best option as they are glass cannons and you may fell let down with their performance. You need...
Good call but maybe another SC box as well ;)
Have a look here too help you squeeze a bit more from your SC box....
Me too, I've got the tools now so I shall be starting in a month or so and I will improve as I can't be any worse :D
Very nice, can I comment on each picture, I think so. Kroxigor, Red and gold go well together very clean painting, I think you could highlight...
Nearly half way again and I've completed the following, 60 Skeleton warriors 20 Graveguard 10 Hexwraiths 10 Black knights 9 Spirit hosts 1 Wight...
Best thing you can do is print off the pictures and go and look in your local store to compare the colours, it won't be exact but you will get...
One more to go ;)
Yeah it’s a brilliant system
I hardly use it tbh but I will start using it more as I want to progress my painting.
I have thought about that as well and it may well be that my Destruction force is made up of models I want to paint.
It's ok but not as good as testors. With testors you can apply 2 coats quickly, with army painter you have to let it dry between coats and make...
Testors spray it's the only one I trust now after disasters with GW and Army painter.
Ebay for bases
We so need this.