Ok you have be stumped! I can't work out what a D***K is, now if you would have put D**K :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Since Legions was released I've probably watched 50 batraps only 2 armies have beaten them, Maggotkin and Raiders, at low point games Maggotkin...
c) come up with a fitting status than either a) enjoy it b) regret it
I don't either :D
Only thing that's bugging me is the Vampire heads, they are just like Mannfred
That barrel turned out well, what colours did you use?
Sing in the voice of Take That "He's back for good" ???
I think you will be "------- Spawning" Individual titles are only given to admin (well that's what i'm telling you)
Excellent stuff again.
That's just bollocks, I thought I had stopped buying models!!!!!!
Legion of Nagash will win Maggotkin will be second Beastclaw raiders will be third
They only get the first and second hit roll due to the rule of one but you can now deploy the toad on the battlefield as before.
Maybe @NIGHTBRINGER or @n810 could help
If your leaving them maybe just give them a light drybrush to bring out the texture.
It part of the worlds history and although we can't undo the terrible things that have happened in the past we can all work together and create a...
Welcome aboard, Nice start to your army, what are your plans for the bases or are they finished?
Things have changed in the UK, we don't encourage anything that could be classed as racism and rightly so, freedom of speech is fine but if your...