Missing my steggy or did you not get the pics from Slannta?
Your old stuff isn't bad it's just your better now, I am trying to slow down and produce better questions but I find it very difficult to not...
Not mediocre, you take our time which is a virtue I wish I had and dry brushing fur is the bestway
Some nice bids already good luck
I don't think he has finished as I have another model
Prime white, don't use thick paint!!!!!!!!!!!
Battle report and how to paint Lizards but pretty basic stuff
I've looked and they look good for table top.
@BeardyGecko here are the rest. ;)
Here ya go I will scan the rest and upload later.
Go go go
I think your right
Nope, just pay the postage and I will paint you a Slann, think off it as practice for me starting commissions and testing the water.
Once finished yes I will take some pics, probably this weekend
Your UK based? I can paint one of your Slanns if you just tell me what your after.
Lovely army so far @Chicken Lips
Quick update, Legions of Nagash core almost done just need tufts and lacquer, around 15 models to paint then that army is finished. Then back...
Nearly done with the core of my Legions of Nagash, just need tufts and lacquer. Got around 15 models to do then that's another army done.
Based 90 undead just need tufts adding and lacquer
I agree why change the name just to gain copyright, how many companies use "Ork" as a brand/faction, it's not like we see "Orruk" and don't know...