Depending on the game you will need to kill Nagash, shadowstrike and Kroak are probably your best bet
He does not do commissions
@Drimon @Lord-Marcus Have you tried clearing your browser cache and logging back into the site?
I'm Cersi Wife is Daenerys Targaryen Cersi and Daenerys Targaryen together hmmmmmmm
Hmmm, I have noticed a lot of new posts which is not bad but if the content could be condensed into a single post, I won't merge posts for no...
I've recently bought a Xwing, Darths Tie fighter and Slave 1 to build and paint later in the year.
I noticed your mother ripper over on TGA nice job on that. Nice report as well looking forward to the rest and your paint blog. ;)
I would like to see Skink Cav but not riding coldones, riding baby troglodons Skink Chief Jungle Swarm New Krox New Saurus Cav
That's one of @Rikard sculpts
I know it's a tad early but I'm on holiday next week. Goals for April Finish my Legions of Nagash army which comprises of the following, Arkhan...
Hello boys and girls and welcome to Let's Get Motivated - April 2018 This thread is too get us motivated each month into finishing projects that...
I don't see the box could it be a browser add on?
@Rikard I've nearly finished painting all my models, I see my next step as making terrain and converting and I would love to be able to sculpt....
I think I have 25 but I keep them hidden because they are a pain to paint.
So your employer has blocked access?
I'm Cersei!
Great initiative
So would an airbrush
@BeardyGecko worth a punt I've bought a copy so after my hols I...