I replied to you on TGA I was panicking as well until I checked my email spam folder :)
@The Red Devil I think he owns this domain so we are pretty safe ;)
I finished them last week and didn't have time to take pics, I'm trying to get the bases done this week on around 100 models.
I've stuck a thread up on TGA informing people of the change, and I've sent out a instagram post
Didn’t notice but that’s a good milestone
Build the saddle and let it dry, make sure you get a good fit on the coldone, file it etc, then finish building the rider and keep it separate....
Next up the Terrorgheist, I’m using him as a Zombie dragon with Lord as well. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Comments welcome.
Keep them apart and stick the rider on some plasticine or similar, I paint my together
Next up, Mortis engine this thing is brilliant to paint. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] As always comment away.
The buildings are Dave Graffam from rhe war vault, yes the mat is a pvc printed one. The card buildings were about £25 for 40 designs and you...
First of many Legion of Nagash, [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] As always comments welcome.
The rule of one applies to Kroak casting deliverance so yes he can only cast it once.
Yeah but you use a black undercoat
We got infested with Skaven last April, who knows maybe they left an assassin in the works. Our leader has it in hand.
I cried this morning when I couldn’t get on and I’m crying again now I am on. I love you Sven, I think we all do.
Same ones and Venomous wargaming
You can get the Melusai in the UK for £22.50
It's a really good book
He will get me back I've no doubt about that.