I remember fighting those Shadow Troopers in Jedi Knight (part 2 IIRC). They were tough. ...and those special ones were even carrying lightsabers....
Not bad! The little guy is adorable. :)
Not nearly as severe as for Seraphon IMO. But yeah, there are a few changes.
Ah, ok. Missed that. Unfortunately I couldn't get any of the new primers, but since I am using white primer anyway I'll try and see how it works....
As much as I dislike to say it: other armies have it way worse so probably they should get something first. (Btw I still don't understand why...
Looking pretty good! So you just primed it with a normal white? I am going to try that, too.
Man, I just realized I am a HUGE nerd, I instantly recognized that picture as coming from the (awesome) webcomic SMBC by Zack Weinersmith.
Yeah.... wait what? Many avians have very high sexual dimorphism, the males being colorful and the females being very plain. Ducks come to mind....
Hmmm High Aelves.... I really enjoyed playing those arrogant pricks in TWW2 (never thought I would) so if those get a new AoS army I would be very...
Those bases!!!! And I really like how the color scheme of the Troggy's fins and tongue are mirrored in its rider's helmet. Very cool.
Un-dad then? :D I also have one, I love the fear it strikes into the heart of my opponent. It can be very killy. Your dad seems to have suffered...
I also kinda hope for Orruks of any kind. Especially the Ironjawz are in a weird place, they are kind of the poster boys of Destruction,...
Yeah that happens all the time. :D
The threads were a nice read though!
Well, I disagree there. Some of them are really good, no doubt, but I do like the (admittedly few) fights of the ST a lit, too.
We don't exactly know how the Force works. It could be possible that it can work intuitively up to a certain degree. I think we all agree that...
Hahaha! I am so going to do this one day when labeling cables in a machine.
The new Vader comics are pretty cool indeed! I don't really read them (comics are an art form I don't enjoy that much), but I ocassionally watch...
I know that's how it is handled in the prequels, but originally it wasn't! Lightsabers were supposed to be heavy, mostly two handed swords! the...