Yeah, that's one of the things where I like that the EU is not canon anymore. Man, it sucks being crushed to death by.... a moon falling on your head.
And that's after a small nerf! Before they were 40 per model and maximum of 4 per unit.
Those are the one that have changed, compared to the previous book.
Pretty cool! I like how the green looks.
Uhmm... no. Some rules are in other books. The realm rules are among those. I admit I forgot which rules are where. I don't like that but I guess...
The app has the rules for the units and endless spells at least. Just type "endless" and you will see them all. As for all the rules... I fear...
No, in fact it got a lot better! No more reinforcement points you have to save. It is just.. more a part of the game now, and more versatile. It...
The thing that changed about piling in is: Previously, you could only pile in towards the closest enemy model before having to stop, now, you can...
There were quite some rules changes since them, but most of them are pretty good IMO. Piling in changed a tiny bit since the first AoS edition,...
Naked Dwarf ladies!!! I might become a Fyreslayers player.
Yep. :(
Haha that thing is ginormous!!! :D :D Cool background story for the Saurus as well. Welcome to the forums, looking forward to more. :)
As for the Boltspitters: Just cut off the tips from some spears to make them the same length and paint them like a boltspitter. There should be...
Chicken army.... Man, I'd love to play something like the Tengu from Guild Wars. Bird people are pretty awesome.
A very nice pyramid!
As cool as they are, I disagree with some of the descriptions. Tlaltecuhtli for example is not a goddess of Chaos. He/She was a creature of Chaos...
Pale colors fit the Troggy well. Good job! :)
What an awesome presentation! (I find your lack of paintes bases a bit disturbing though)
Lindybeige is great. Well... most of the time.
I have also seen quite a few non tragic ones. - The Orc who just went to screw around and bash a few heads in. - The soldier who just, you know,...