Just tried the new version. This is great!
Star Wars has been huge for the furry community the whole time actually.
Pretty long! Quite a bit longer than humans. Chewbacca is 235 years old or so.
I will try a new tactic this month: small steps. That means I will set my goal to "paint one or two models (or parts of a bigger one) today". I...
Those Saurus and SCE parts fit together surprisingly well. :)
Yeah, only for predatory ones. AMD you cannot cast them through it anymore.
It is a pretty complex language after all, regardless of whether you are a native speaker or not.
Nice crisp details on that Carny. :)
Fun fact: my buddy wanted to start a Khorne daemon list once. He then took a look at some of my warscrolls and the idea died. :D
IMO it should be Chewbacca. It is his home.
Yeah she was just broken. And instead of fixing her they nerfed everything else. Including the feature of Seraphon being able to use arcane vassal...
She can double her spell range. And that means that she could fling those endless spells pretty far. For example Geminids had 36" range.
LOL I have done that myself a few times! It is great fun btw.
When my buddy started playing them I was also concerned, especially about some of the seemingly OP heroes they have. The Lord Celestant on Dracoth...
There are several similar abilities for the SCE. It is quite ridiculous, especially for small armies. It is _kinda_ balanced in bigger games, but...
If - for some reason, it is up to the gods I guess - there is a significant difference in temperatures, then we could get some movement of the...
All hail Frank! (And that's a nice looking Slann as well.) :)
Glad to have you back, and good to hear your head wasn't hurt even more seriously!
Hmmm OK. As interesting as this is from a fantasy point of view, I fear that I won't be of much use here. I tend to adhere to the rules of physics...