I wish the Starseer could cast two spells. That would make him worth it...
Gah... I still haven't read this. Reminder @Aginor to read this!
I agree. That's a mortal wound bomb. I made a similar list and plan to use it soon.
Thunderquake + Slann + new healing spell + emerald life swarm would be the goto list for healing though. Not sure if it is worth it though, the...
Oh no! (But for the record: was it the bone or the dog that went into the laptop?)
Ok I think I just missed the point of your question. The answer is: no you can't. You have to use the one you rolled. If you could pick a lower...
Man I wish they'd finally give us the new Battletome. Nothing against you, @Nicky Hudson , but we get a lot of questions here that refer to...
I built all of mine with spears because I intend to use them in large units. And yes, if you have the space to properly honeycomb then clubs are...
I bring one Starpriest anyway since I like to include Cogs in most of my lists and cast that one in the first turn. Mostly for the extra spell so...
I think that bonus is gone. I'd have to scroll back to that video, the page was readable but I don't remember 100%
Looks good. :)
White is hard to pull off. Definitely going to watch this video once I am at home.
Mmmhhhhh.... some great ideas in there!
Yeah they are pretty good.
I like the idea a lot!
You could just buy some imperial soldier bits on Ebay or something. Or maybe models from Mantic, they are cheaper and roughly the same size. But...
Good old Kroak! I enjoyed painting that model, too. Yours looks pretty good. :)
I cant decide... I think the blue one looks a tad better, maybe if they follow tzeemtch or so. If you combine them with Khorne then red will fit...
That's an epic model!