Agree with Xlontiqu, good idea but running a bunch of fights really does take a lot of time. I remember having to put aside a good hour or two...
See the LM FAQ. Horned One no longer counts as a magic item, just a mundane mount option. GW realised it was retarded and changed it. I don't see...
Yep, its impressive! Great initiative for the forum, Xlontiqu.
Picture works now. You need to use the 'direct link' code under share photo, rather than just the url of the page that the photo is on.
Haha cool! I think I am at about chapter 7 or 8, just into 'part 2'. I didn't even know there was a first book in the series until I looked on the...
I greatly enjoyed it, good work! And thanks Craken for the awesome board every round. I do have one small suggestion, which you may choose to use...
Hmm this should be a challenge. I am in again, but will need to look through my tomes tonight to see what I will fight with.
Several mentions of Dragon Princes, putting it out there from a HE player they are only s3 not s4. Boy would I love them if they were s4. They are...
They seem to be embarrased by their summer campaigns. You will also find absolutely no mention of Storm of Chaos in any recent book either. In...
Heres a crazy thought. Stick the skink on a horned one so he can fit in the saurus/TG unit cleanly, it will also improve his armour save...
Nice - the purple really stands out on those saurus.
This. The rules of 8th ed have been designed to make people take larger units. Even a unit of 20 I don't think cuts it for most troop types who...
Yeah you are right, 3 is the maximum number of supporting attacks from monstrous infantry so it wouldn't effect the krox.
I probably wouldn't put FC on a unit of 5... At that size they are more medium infantry, any role you choose for them will not benefit from FC...
OOC: Day 2 ends in 24 hours from this post, so get any last minute actions in ASAP! And don't forget to PM me to show me what you have done.
One of the big advantages of using a SV BSB is you don't have quite so many points invested in the Slann, and you effectively have two leadership...
I get it now... Merging with Xisor's thread. we don't need a second one on the same thing.
Thats in the LM FAQ, opponents facing skrox units still have to take a fear check. I think the whole unit is also still immune to fear. Not sure...
Re: suport xisor .... I think you should maybe explain a bit more clearly what you are on about.
Yeah, it used to be if you charged you went first. Now, even if you charge it is still initiative based. The only real incentive for charging...