I'm reading Shadown King, by Gav Thorpe. Not very far into it yet, but thoroughly enjoying it so far. I haven't read the first book in the series,...
You can measure easy enough, kroxigor are on bases 40mm wide while Slann should be on 50mm bases, so they fit with their respective skink and TG...
Thats perfectly fine. Posting individual points values is NOT. Army Builder can do what they want on their own website, here we will stick to the...
Link. Leading theory, old ear trumpet. What is she trying to hear though?
Yeah they go last. The advantage is they can't be attacked directly while they are in the second rank, so only skinks will die to the initial hits...
Heard of monsterpocalypse, was almost interested in buying some actually, but haven't got into it yet. I don't want to invest in too many systems....
Depends on how many more fights you want to schedule... What you could do is split the final 6 into two pools of 3, they each fight their two...
There are some pretty awesome looking models in there, nice work! I really like the wet look on the carnosaur scales, and the body colour you...
:D Useless in any battle, but yes extremely evil in an arena setting. Love the little guy, and he is usually a hell of a lot cheaper than all the...
Fear test? Damn that hide of the cold ones! Oh well, sneaky will be back next time! Thanks for the cool writeups, Xlontiqu!
High Elves ASF is special, its in their FAQ. It still gets ASF and rerolls even with great weapons, they're just THAT good. But yes, it should be...
I'm pretty sure the FAQ treats table edges as unpassable terrain, so the unit just stops at the edge and goes no further.
Ok here is the final list of townfolk. SaurusWarrior The Hunted Larinus Xlontiqu novatomato Yzan Eternity_Warden Sir Zantos Dreadgrass...
The problem is, point for point, they aren't really a HUGE amount better than saurus, and a large unit of them gets very expensive very quickly....
Was just going to mention that, very nice work!
One level 1 wizard can potentially have more magic dice to play with than 2 level 4 wizards on the opposing side.
LMAO, and further lols at the irony you hit 69 posts with that comment. :D It is indeed a beautiful model isn't it.
Yeah you can still join. Apologies, I have been a bit slow getting the game into full pace, busy few days. Hopefull tomorrow I will have a bit...
Da Sneekest Git for the win! Hee hee hee hee, an Old Blood to kill first up! You will perish, Sir Zantos!
Re: The Rise of Xaxlachaq - A Blog (Image Intensive) Wow very nice, good work!