I'm in! Character name: Da Sneekest Git Character type (i.e., Prince, Scar-Veteran): Night Goblin Warboss Army (i.e., Dark Elves, Skaven): Orcs...
Bah! I still cannot find his mark, though I suspect it has something to do with trees. o_O If hellbreaker mentions a damn tree one more time I...
Sounds good, I also look forward to pictures. :)
Welcome to the board! He looks good, nice work. I like the mix of colours you have chosen, cool shield choice.
Can a Slann be challenged? (By definition of rules, yes, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't intended that he could) Hmm there were a few more very...
Check out the 8th ed LM FAQ. GW changed the horned one so it is no longer a magic item, now it is just a mount. Not only can you take an enchanted...
If you wanted to just go to blood red, it should be in only the upper highlights, the model is quite dark as is probably could do a little more...
Yep you are correct, -1 to hit for moving. The howdah bolt thrower really isn't all that useful.
While the idea of going for the quiet ones has merit, I do not suspect Eternity_Warden. I don't think he was in a position to kill on the first...
Its a good idea, I'd be interested in either helping to run it or entering or both. I'm not sure what we could offer as a prize, as there should...
Re: Rokanos' WIP Lizzy Host Very cool idea for the banner, it looks striking and very good! I like it.
If my count is right, there were 7 among us yesterday and 4 votes fell on Xlontiqu. That means if another assassin voted for Xlontiqu, it caused...
Ok I am moving this thread to the painting forum and I have deleted the other one. The blood splatering effect on his head looks really cool,...
They do look pretty cool, and would work, however they might outshine the riders a bit much with their detail. :p Scale for GZ tends to be...
In 8th ed, I am thinking 20 is right at the low end of the scale, possibly too small of a unit. 25 would be the starting point for me, maybe...
I don't think it actually makes a difference unless you are in a challenge against a character, in which case they probably will go before an old...
I don't think Dwarf bolt throwers have AP, with the single shot don't they just ignore armour? It is HE bolt throwers using their multi shot that do.
Re: Speed painting a Skink Regt (Saurus Regt to follow). Welcome to the board! They look good so far, nice work. I like the effect you got on the...
Nah points cost for items and magic items tend to vary from army to army, and in fact you may see some items are more expensive for an old blood...