For that reason, I think it suits a goblin lord extremely well and would present brilliant modelling opportunities. :) An old blood though? They...
To be honest, it is probably a waste of points. Consider for just base points, you are paying a massive amount simply to field the old blood and...
Saurus usually work well in a pretty similar colour scheme to skinks and even krox. Generally, if every type of unit is a completely different...
Yeah check to make sure you don't have the 6th edition rules rather than 7th.. Easiest way to check, see if razordons and stegadon ancients are on...
Hmm I tend to agree with you about Von Schlek, but I must say Scamp doesn't have the look of a killer in my eyes. Hellbreaker, for my own reasons...
I have to agree with Sir Zantos I'm afraid. As I mentioned, I do not think my evidence is conclusive, but no one else seems to have come up with...
Very cool looking unit, great work! It was definitely a good idea going for turtle-shell scales.
Yep pretty much, cold ones aren't used much now. They will hit really hard when they charge, but you need to consider that against most things...
I don't think you can choose to angle those things up or down... Otherwise what if in your path is a flier and a swarm? Do you have to choose...
So what, 3 days from now or 10 days from now?
They do look a bit bald don't they? Good though! I like the effect, and as mentinoed they look different immediately but still similar.
I added [pic] tags around all your links to make them show up.. It looks good, however, if I were to make a couple of suggestions... Maybe more...
He eyes me and speaks of cutting stomachs open just as he eyed novatomato as he took his knife from him. In fact, just he mentioned a knife three...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far...(WIP converted 5ed Cohort) Wow looks very awesome, great work!
1) I would have thought no, certainly in 7th ed you had to be in the fighting rank, however, I just read the new challenge rules and you only need...
Herdstone is the best site I know of, about all you can do is wait until it goes back online again. Various shades of brown is about all I have...
We don't neccesarily need to have an indepth opening post... Just something like this is the topic of discussion, open up to everyone's ideas!...
Hmmm. Lost in a dark forest with all the perils that accompany it normally, and now we must also watch our backs from traitors in our midst?!? I...
Interesting idea, I could see it working. Good thing is its dead cheap as well, so give it a go and show us the results! :) As far as I know I...
Yeah the problem is pretty much all of it is out of date at the moment. The project got started, then 8th ed was announced and it was all put on...