Can't see them.. You need a link with jpg at the end to get the pic tag to work, if you are going from attachments try rightclicking the picture...
So are you going to go skink heavy instead, or take minimum core and max out the other areas? Both, I believe, would be viable alternatives. You...
If you want to take it, the blade of realities is a nice weapon against a screaming bell. it doesn't have a leadership value thus it fails all...
Glad that you got some use out of the cold ones, but remember even with all those kills they probably only just made their points back. Don't know...
I added the [pic] tag around your link so now it shows up. From what I can see it looks pretty cool, but it is a somewhat blurry photo. Any...
I was going to use razordons (nice models, crap rules) and add a fin along their back with greenstuff to look a bit more like sallies, then paint...
Yeah thats a good question. I think I have to agree with the second interpretation; they are in a single unit of salamanders and skinks so the...
Re: Rebuilding the Host I have to agree with you that the second one looks more striking, nice work! I think you should go with that one.
Arutha watched the unravelling campsite and food preparation with mild interest but absolutely silently, still appearing somewhat off in his own...
Lol have a look around, there have been several threads and many different solutions to it. Short answer, yes it is a pain in the arse to get the...
Cool idea, looks good so far! I think a few much thinner vines may help it if you can, and maybe adding a little bit of texture to them like drag...
G'day mate, welcome to Lustria! Enjoy the board and the army and feel free to ask as much as you like. :)
Greetings, welcome to the board and the lizardmen! In 7th ed, spears were certainly the best choice by far. Now it is a lot less clear and people...
All that aside, I was personally most worried about why there appeared to be a bed on the roof...... o_O All in all, a rather characterful photo.
Oh yeah, I forgot the warp lightning cannon now counts as a cannon rather than having its own rules... I think both are fairly rare to see on the...
Lord Arutha slowly wanders over to a tree near the edge of the clearing and sits down to meditate and rest, yet all the while keenly keeping half...
I just got through the Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks, wow that was a brilliant read. Really good character development and intriguing plot....
Firstly, thats a very well thought out and typed post, really good analysis. Its a great point that you would be spending ~300 points to take out...
Its an interesting question and I can definitely see how there would be two interpretations. I think I'd agree with the others that the lightning...
Check out the new thread, here. ;) SaurusWarrior may allow you to join late.