You really need to look at the points efficiency for each sized unit and weigh up what advantage you get from a few extra ranks compared to the...
It depends on whether the Slann is zealous and xenophobic or contemplative and able to look at the bigger picture. A fanatical creature would not...
Yeah I actually was wondering why I was still seeing bare metal. Its definitely much easier to spray the whole model before starting to paint....
I'm magnetisizing for one of my stegs, but I think I'm just going to glue the other since it is a fair bit of effort. If they are stuck down, you...
Ahh you got it right in the first post, need to use the pic tag not the img tag. ;) Also, now that I look closely at the other angles of him,...
Hmm I might add a number to your ranks. :) I am lord Arutha, a tall somewhat pale bald man who is very quiet but appears wise and powerful. I...
Ooooh thats an amazingly brutal looking character! He sure does have a lot of gold on him. Can't wait to see it finished, awesome work so far!
So I haven't actually seen where that passage is, but I assume it is in a HE section or written to be from an elven point of view? Really, it...
Just a quick point, it is almost never worth ripping musician and standard bits off to replace with normal. The game changes for each army...
Hmm interesting, the 'strong' builds for OB on carny really have changed a lot from 7th ed haven't they. Good to see not everyone has jumped on...
I literally just use beach sand and I find it works pretty well, but I can definitely see how a few small pebbles and rocks around the place would...
I have ordered from Maelstrom, they should hopefully ship either today or tomorrow so I will get it in the next week or two. Now that they are...
Cool, they look good so far! I like the daemon conversion with the trygon tail. Moving this to the lesser races painting subforum though. :)
I quite like the tone of the skin at the moment actually, looks good!
It sounds to me like its going to be up to you and your opponent to decide until GW makes a ruling. No one here will be able to give a 100% answer...
Welcome to Lustria! Check this thread for how to post pics. Its an unusual scheme, I quite like it. They look very deadly.
Check this thread for how to do it.
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far...(WIP converted 5ed Cohort) I'm pretty sure I remember seeing you posting pics of a magnetised steg, I think...
TK probably aren't going to be the next army (that is meant to be O&G now) but they will certainly be soon, I'd definitely expect within the next...
I still use flock, just not covering the whole base. It looks good patchy with pare patches of dirt around. If you browse on the GW website, most...