Hmm tough choice. Weekends I'm usually out drinking, but weeknights I am trying not to stay up too late due to uni. Either works I guess, would...
Lizardmen are far far from being a one trick army. It is true that Slann are very good, and lots of people take them, but they definitely aren't...
In a most intriguing way, both. :D Clearer shots would indeed be appreciated.
Yeah the book I was reading just broke as well.... Actually, no it didn't. Thats one of the reasons I definitely prefer physical books over...
Good idea, I'd be up for it if I could make it. Probably the furthest timezone away from everyone though. Nothing like a bit of chatboxing. :D I...
That second last skink, green with red stripes, looks really really cool! Love the colour scheme. I can't quie see what is going on with the...
Its a bit like chess in that you must always know what each piece is capable of and where they might attack from. You should always be aware of...
Wow it is brutal if anyone has been trying to take the d6 from the opponents pool in their next magic phase... I would have assumed opponent...
Sweet, definitely worthy changes IMO. Overall Life is good, but not game breaking... I don't think you can say it is just for overpowered lists....
Yeah I've seen his stuff on Warseer, a lot more than just LM too. It really is amazing. I'm pretty sure he sculpted a couple of the big monsters...
Just thinking about it... The extra level doesn't really prove much anymore now that power dice are random rather than generated by the model? I...
Look for the special rule 'multiple shot' in the main rulebook. You will find that it gives -1 to hit. If the army book doesn't state they have...
Yay I'm going to be famous on the board now! .... Wait.. o_O
Wait, you have loremaster on the stegadon? I'm 99% sure you can't do that, the skink priest must always take heavens. Yes the engine has the...
He wants to buy the Federal Public Service Commission website. Clearly! Get on the ball guys. Its been for sale for the last few weeks, and they...
o_O *Runs*
Yes, yes you did. Here, have an e-cookie! Xlontiqu, are you planning to do another arena after this one is finished? If so, I would be happy to...
I'm fairly certain, but just wanted to confirm... AoBR doesn't come with any terrain pieces does it? I'm considering buying it, since I'm getting...
@Guardian of Hexoatl, finish Shadow Warrior? I got it finished a while ago, very good book. I have a new respect for Alith Anar that I never had...
Oh wow, thats a great way to add a little spice to the next Arena of Death. Run a little betting ring on the side! See who ends up with the most...