Hmmm I'm just going to shrink back into my little hole now. I got wight kings mixed up with wraiths, since back when I played VC a lot they were...
Really? How could you not like Burn After Reading? It was hilarious! I wouldn't say Stardust is anywhere near a favourite movie of mine, but it...
I am ethereal. :) So your character is one of the few who would not scratch mine if we faced off.
Hmm there are a couple of characters with mundane weapons around which wouldn't touch me, but not as many as I was hoping. I will have to see if I...
Yeah some models aren't really designed to rank up particularly well... I thought the tails actually fit going under the body of the model behind?...
They look good! Nice work. I personally haven't seen any skins with light armour on them. I think something like light armour can be represented...
Read this thread for how to post photos. Welcome to the board, and I look forward to seeing some of your army!
I might possibly consider if it was a unit champion, but definitely not any type of character. Too risky, he has the potential to lose enough...
Moving to the Trading Forum.
Agree, I assumed the original question was not still up for debate and had been conclusively answered. The discussion had seemed to move on to...
I never use white for anything anymore. Black undercoats are easier to work with because then you have black in all the deepest recesses rather...
Yeah I have been following them since they first started up. I wasn't a big fan of the elves, but they are growing on my. I have probably 200...
I've never got into Star Trek at all, hasn't held the slightest bit of interest for me. So definitely Star Wars for mine.
Wow... For me it would be extremely hard to pinpoint one movie that I love above all others. Of course, the Star Wars movies are classics, but I...
Its in the first few pages of the main rulebook. You should definitely give it a read. :)
This topic came up ages ago.... Basically, some of our weapons say 'attacks struck by the sword grant x' while others say 'the sword gives the...
Wow you have a very very impressive looking army, that Slann look amazing! Possibly the coolest Slann I have ever seen.
Yeah looks very cool! Great work!
Yep, the stegadon does indeed fight in the challenge wit the chief. Not really all that useful because then your steg and chief can only kill one...
Good work, congratulations mate! Its a big achievement. More than I've painted in the last year. :)