I distinctively remember such a battle plan though, it cost me the win of a small tournament. ....might have been one for Skirmish though!
I wonder if there are big spell lists in the book with regular spells for everyone to use.
Hmmm fewest plot holes.... Maybe Aristocats is a candidate. From the top of my head I don't recognize any glaring plot holes. Or Jungle Book....
Ah, that post wasn't there yet when I first read the thread. That would be good news. Sure, not everyone likes those glazes, but I sure do!
It really is!
This is the original source it seems, a thread at bolter & chainsword:...
Over at TGA they linked the source. Standby, I'll dig it up...
I heard that Vallejo has some inks that are comparable. Not sure though.
No clue. Probably as long as they last. I am considering buying a few pots myself, just to be on the safe side for a while. Some people say that...
Looks similar to what I do. I like it.
I like the idea! If you manage to add some scales they will look very lizardy.
Good job! I would love to see some close up shots, especially of the Stegadon.
Good work on those! Although I do think the Starpriest would profit from a thin blue shade over his skin and a sepia wash over his claws to get...
Iroh is great. :)
Uhmm.... I just read that all glazes are being dropped from the GW paint range! I am... a bit sad actually. I have all of them and those are...
Hell yeah!
For me Peter Pan fits the fridge horror category. Think about it: the boys in Neverland are basically trapped in an alternate universe in which...
I think some battleplans say that if you table your enemy then you win, regardless of points. So that would mean that unless they say so, then you...