Its main benefit is that it gives you another CP, another artefact, and that it makes your list a one-drop list. The latter is huge obviously.
I wish Star Trek and that zombie thing switched places. Then it would be easy.
Because some people constantly say it was bad. Which it wasn't. It was an OK movie. Far away from a bad movie. I know, somebody who bashes a...
I said it is an OK movie. OK =/= love. Not even close. Just OK, like many movies.
The Jedi were surprised by the Clone Troopers. It is hard to be surprised by someone who stands in front of you with a gun asking you to leave...
If it is in the Star Wars universe then maybe I am a Jedi so I don't care about the Clone Trooper either? :D But then.... how would a character...
Units get the attacks on their warscrolls. There is no such attack on that Warscroll. So no.
No such thing. The Star Wars universe is not real and could not be, because laws of physics and so on. ;)
Too bad I don't listen to clone troopers. :D
Ooooohhh that one is great, too!
It was an OK movie though. Like most movies.
Really astonishing results!
I see a red cloak And I want it painted black... Dammit, now the Stones are stuck in my head! :D
That's why I said you can use it as a base and just add some stuff. Like Kroak for example. :)
I agree that a good Alpha strike list will probably destroy that list you posted. Still a nice list, I would really like it to be good. As for...
Welcome! Some really interesting minis you have there!
I actually like how it looks, at least on the picture. But yeah, a light blue glaze and then some white highlights on the most raised parts would...
I want to start painting Arkhan, and finish my Blood Bowl humans.
I am pretty sure that painters of your level are not really the targeted group for those paints. Some pro painters are shown in the marketing...
Good progress!