I tend to say yes, but I have seen people argue for "no, he gets to fight in the end". Not sure if that was clarified in a FAQ, I have to check that.
Man, those Skellies are _almost_ what I want. Too bad they did scale up their heads too much.
That looks cool. Great idea!
I got Qui-Gon. So I am most likely dead.
Raaaaaaaats!!!! I think a thin sepia shade all over the models would do them a lot of good.
Their name generator is a bit weird. Lots of basically unpronounceable names. The islands are nice though.
Holy $%^@!!! @Warden is going to spontaneously combust (in a positive way) when he sees this thread. Awesome!
Most likely. There are some of our units that are ridiculously overpriced and thus rarely taken (Oldblood on foot), or considered too strong for...
Those look like the dudes from that one anime... Jin-Roh.
I could also imagine giving them a bravery debuff (like in: half their bravery). Mercenaries work well when everything is fine, but as soon as...
Those guys were just insane. But cool. :D
Yep. :)
I just saw that picture and thought "totally looks like mine" and then I read the text. :D My recipe was VERY easy, since that was the first big...
I don't get that one. Which of the words are they referring to? The audio thing? Or just ducking under some obstacle?
Doesn't mantic have a line of totally-not-TombKings as well?
Nice Sunblood, definitely recognizable!
Welcome! Those look great!
That's a lot of big stones!