Not bad at all! I would also recommend a little shade over a few parts, especially over the skin. Reikland flesh shade (or any other equivalent...
Good job! Hang in there, everything will be fine. :)
Fun story, related to that: To add flair to a PC game mod project (IIRC) someone designed a fantasy set of letters and discussed it on some forum....
They look really fabulous painted. :)
Awesome work!
The Slann can't cast the other spell in the same round either, changing the spell happens at the end of the hero phase.
Right now I am not 100% sure about inspiring presence, but other abilities like that (like the Ironjawz artefact or the SCE command trait)...
I'd argue that with all the anti-battleshock abilities around the bloodroar decreases in importance anyway.
They look almost albino to me. Red-ish eyes could work well. As for the weapons: dark brown for the wooden handles, bronze or gold for the metal,...
His stance is very 1970s!
Maybe. But maybe not. There might be another good reason for that change.
They are in the Malign Sorcery book.
Nice work on those!
Oh and good news for Ironjawz players: Both bataillons in the GHB got better it seems.
After the damage roll you roll an extra dice, on a 5+ the artefact breaks.
Fangs of Sotek has changed, the roaring Carnosaur buff is gone. Instead they improved the "First Oldblood" one, but it only applies when you have...
Interesting question. Oh and about that one spell (mystical unforging): It really breaks enemy artefacts on a 5+ for the rest of the battle it seems.
Edit: I think I misheard that. Disregard. (I previously wrote about another change, but it seems summoning stays the same.)
Oh, but it seems Slann lose the spell range buff on a 10+. Meh. Rarely happened to me anyway.
I also like that Slann can swap their Spell Lore spells each turn.