Congrats mate! Now to get them painted. ;)
I'm half way through my last pot and still find it very useful, so sorry no. However, I suggest rather than trying to get some second hand you...
The weilder works the scroll, that is a horrible interpretation to use as technically you could say that about anything in combination with the...
Bah, people here have been saying that it now happens after charges so the critical charge can still work with a 'stupid' creature since the test...
To be honest, I probably haven't played enough 8th ed games to really judge it properly yet. However, I do think the early arguments of...
Re: Carnosaur WIP *Updated* It looks good! Cool idea with the collar, should be a very cool carnosaur when finished. I can't see very clearly in...
Very cool looking army so far! A movement tray for the TG though? With true line of sight you will want to be careful, they will be seen from...
Re: Lost Temple Bases from ManicWorkbench Very nice work, and I too wonder if you would be selling copies of them. :)
Technically not since the magic rules say that you cannot intentionally hurt your own models with damage spells, nor can you hex them, nor can you...
I'm not concerned with the low WS or initiative at all. Saurus are menat to be a bit slow and dim-witted. We trade that off for strength and...
Re: Carnosaur WIP Looks pretty cool so far, nice work! I look forward to seeing more. How did you scuplt the scales, especially the small ones?...
Great work! You have some very striking models and nice choice of colours, they're looking good.
G'day, welcome to Lustria! :) Conversions are really about expressing your own personal thought on the unit, how do you see saurus different in...
I superglue small metal washers under the base of anything thats unstable. There was a thread a while ago about unit fillers, and someone...
Have a look at this thread for a step by step guide with screenshots.
Well most infantry models are essentially the same height so it would be pretty easy to just place one random model on top of your piece of paper...
Yeah the big problem with the new magic system is that it really doesn't scale up very well. I'd almost give a more predictable bonus, like 2d6 +...
I like the green one as well... And I deleted the duplicate thread.
Bleh, and with true line of sight now they aren't going to be blocking anything at all. Unless you model them on rocks. :) One useful feature of...
Yeah I'd probably look at either Dark Elves or Warriors, both shouldn't be too bad to paint and are fairly elite armies so there won't be tonnes...