Yeah it is an 'effective' range not a proper range since skirmishers can now march and shoot, you can march then launch blowpipes their full distance.
*Purges hands to pick up the holy tome* Nope, extra supporting attacks are called monstrous support and are a special rule of monstrous infantry...
Cool, thanks for the report. As I mentioned, I really like the list and will most likely try something similar to it, hopefully in the next few weeks.
Nice work, its looking good!
Yeah that is a bit annoying now that TLOS is in but the rules for the Slann actually give it a different height. It is easy when he is in TG, just...
The above mazda is in the current rulebook in the Golden Daemon winners section, it is indeed a beautiful model.
I don't know where you read that, but its not a rule. Could have been one of the rumours before the final book came out.
Would be cool, but no. I'm pretty sure the wording for that has been changed in the FAQ now anyway, and even if it hasn't it specifically said...
Nope, I'm pretty sure that is part of the board engine design that the images are directly related to avatars.
Turns out it was just the first model that the poison effects unfortunately..
Yeah, but if he is in a unit then only he will get the 2+ ward from the plaque, it would have to be a spell that targetted him specifically. The...
Yeah looks good, sweet steg!
Hive Tyrants are still metal? Hmm I thought when the plastic carnosaur came out a plastic Tyrant came out as well. I guess the current one is...
Yep, all ranged attacks. I have a feeling that the 7th ed FAQ said it only worked against magic missiles with regards to spells, but that could be...
GW rules are their intellectual property, essentially like a copyright, so by people posting things freely which you would normally have to buy...
Divine plaques is still useful since as you say, the discipline is against mundane attacks. Dwarfs can put a rune on all their warmachines and...
They will be cool looking bases, nice work. I look forward to seeing some models on them. ;) Hmmm with true line of sight now in WHFB, will we be...
Sweet, I agree good to see an unusual paint scheme. The carnosaur looks quite evil.
That rumour has been floating around for probably around 5 years... Just after Witch Hunters came out, there was meant to be Alien Hunters and...
Yes I know, thats not quite what I meant. Should have worded it better. There are some new common magic items that do exactly the same as book...