Yeah... But you cast spells in your own magic phase, not theirs, then your own shooting phase happens, not theirs.. Move or fire only refers to...
You seem to have forgotten that for the 'normal' hits, you also need to roll to wound while the poisoned ones don't. This makes the more poisoned...
Sounds about right. Essentially the battalion just comes with half the number of sprues as the skink box but they're exactly the same sprue.
Mounts always use the leadership of the rider since stupidity is assumed to affect the whole model.. If a scar vet on cold one joined a unit on...
Link. Most important thing I could see for us is it finally puts to rest 100% how the Slann's extra power dice count toward the max 12 in the...
Yeah actually I have often found that when you compare elite hard hitting infantry to unit of monsters and sometimes even chariots the infantry...
Its really cool that its classed as a magic missile when IMO it isn't really. This means a Slann can channel it through a skink. You want to get a...
Are they worth the increase in points over hand weapon and shield saurus since they will essentially serve the same purpose though? I really don't...
And ironically, the blowpipe skinks are the skirmishers so won't have command. Its less javelins you can live with if you make command for a...
Awesome looking champion, b3rtil!
I'd put razordons in bad as well... Saurus are an interesting one. I'm pretty sure they will definitely be good, but it is going to take a while...
I'd have to say yes, the BSB now literally covers all Ld based tests so there is no reason the BoR would be immune to it. It took a bit of a hit...
A Slann could work alone, but if you are going to bring along a lone lvl 2 wizard thats only 2 spells the opponent has to worry about. And what if...
Greetings, welcome to Lustria! There aren't too many things you shouldn't bother with in the list. Razordons are weak, swarms are weak, and cold...
If I was going to field a unit of 30, I think 6x5 would be a pretty good number. 7x4 with a couple extra to absorb casualties might not be too bad...
Remember when going 10 wide though that it is an extremely wide unit, make sure there is an opponent unit nearly as wide as well so you can...
Very awesome work, and sweet NMM! It is a very striking model, good luck with the competition. I hope you do well.
Yep, in 8th ed you now have to use a weapon besides hand weapon if you have one. The general rule is above 50% of the unit, so I guess thats what...
Simultaneous attacks never used to be in WHFB, just 40k. I believe if there is no ASF, but both sides have equal initiative, that is simultaneous...
Yep I brought this up a while ago, the stomp does indeed get d3 wounds. However the point was brought up that stomp only works on infantry, swarms...