Even if they focus on the Sylvaneth (or no AoS at all, just 40k or so), IIRC in the last few years they always had at least some small teasers...
What about Leopard Skinks? [IMG] Or Leopard Slugs? [IMG]
They are already in, at least partially. Lords of Space and Time for example.
Your content is good, so I am looking forward to reading all of those posts. :)
I hope not _only_ with that, though. It would be kinda awkward to run around naked with those lesbians.... :D ...and clothes are mighty useful...
As stated in my posts above I am very sure that none of the options provides us with a decent chance of long time survival. 20 or even 10 years is...
Same here. I never used Rippers and I still win most of my games. If you like them better and don't go to tournaments you should build them IMO. :)
They look great! (And batshit crazy! :D )
That girl was a tribe member used to living in that exact way on that exact island. That's not a good example at all. I would love to hear more...
Awesome work! I would love to see (endless) spells in there as well. Some grant bonuses outside of the hero phase (for example the Cogs add +2 to...
Yeah they are really good! I especially dig the drummer's face paint.
I honestly think they will either be phased out (which would be a pity, the models aren't bad) or become a new mini faction for mercenaries, or...
I find that weird btw. Hayden Christensen is not that bad of an actor. I have seen him in other movies (such as Life as a House or American Heist,...
EDIT: I just realized that the original first line of this post could be interpreted as sarcastic or condescending. I deleted it. I am honestly...
The Blood Bowl tokens. Nothing fancy, just basecoated, shaded, and drybrushed a bit. [ATTACH]
I did finish Joseph Bugman and I painted one Blood Bowl human at least (the latter wasn't planned) I haven't started Arkhan though. So I was...
Thank you! *tips hat* I actually hadn't noticed either.
Well... Not really. They were used to it. And they did live in groups. Our best guess is 25+ people, maybe up to 200. That guess is based on...
Nice work!
Darker like in: die even more quickly? Sure. But a situation like the one in the opening post has never been survived in the history of mankind as...