Have they? I actually cannot recall anything worse than that, that people actually survived.
Pretty much. Oh and btw something else that makes C not a great option: if I am not mistaken then the boat in the picture cannot be sailed...
Interesting that you call three years "a short while". That's way more than the likely period of time a single person will survive. Either way,...
The problem is that it will spoil. Conserving food is not easy. Unless you can freeze it, or find loads of salt very quickly then slaughtering the...
I think you might have misunderstood my points about the gun and the gold: The gun _is_ extremely useful. But the very limited ammo means that...
I have seen only a tiny fraction of those, but I enjoy your reviews! :)
Good job!
You are missing religion! :D In fact I like discussing those from time to time since there are several valid approaches to view each of them, if...
Yeah that color scheme really rules. For some reason I like it even more on the mangler squigs. Probably because of their size.
Extra post for priorities: - find water - find shelter - make fire - find food If you want to survive the first week (I am not even talking about...
That's not really the point. They are trained for which task, that's the problem. Dogs are no Jacks of all trades. If they are the most...
Good work on those. Purple+gold is a good color combo. :)
Painted a Blood Bowl human today. Nothing fancy. I originally wanted to speed paint those guys but I just cannot. I did cut a few corners there,...
Yeah we are a friendly lot. That discussion is not even in the top 10 of heated ones I took part in that are still well below shitstorm level. I...
There was no shit storm as far as I recall. Just a slightly more heated discussion.
Same here. Fortnite isn't interesting for me.
Yeah I think Shadowstrike is basically our best 1k list for every situation.