Probably just a Maine Coon hybrid or something.
I almost don't dare to hope for Seraphon anymore. ...but that would be nice.
Very Chaos-y! :)
They might be right. Perhaps some fighter related to the snake carrying dude they showed last week.
Oooh, nice work! The leaves make it remind me of the plant Pokemon Venusaur. :D [IMG]
Not super competitive, but a working list.
Oh dammit! Forgot to do that. Sorry!
Don't worry. A moderator can either merge the posts into the other thread, or delete them. In fact I could try to do it, I haven't merged threads...
IMO for really running a Sunclaw and not be frustrated you will need at least one big unit of Warriors. For a 1k Sunclaw I would try this:...
It is nice to see people are intrigued by that post, but we already have two threads discussing that. Here is one:...
It looks a tad big for my taste (I prefer 10mm-12mm dice), but the die looks really cool.
Welcome to the forums! I am a fan of blue myself. Blue and red is great. :)
RIP Grumpy Cat. :(
The thing about A is that you can start a fire with the gun powder and the alcohol, and keep it running until you figure out how to make it...
I worked a bit on my BloodBowl set. Going to try and "speed paint" those humans. Right now I am figuring out the recipe on a single model. I also...
I think that generally having a rule of one - per wizard - is good. Having it per army is bad.
Indeed. A great example is the nerf of Endless spells (cannot profit from range extension abilities) that ruins some nice tactics for us, because...
That's what I hope they will change. Could make me play Aelves. Most previous Warhammer dragons are ugly with their snake bodies IMO.
High Elf Dragon.