Looking at it I get more of a Dragon vibe from it. ...and they mention Hysh. Aren't there Aelves in the Realm of Light? So it could be an Aelven...
Yeah, but some aren't even active anymore so I kinda doubt they will do that.
Ooooohhh, nice work! As for the gem: you could try a careful edge highlight with white, and/or apply a yellow glaze, and/or apply a bit of gloss...
The principle behind the Gongen is interesting. It basically means that a shintoist kami (a ghost literally, but it means god. Gods in shintoism...
Trying to read your name now. It's been a while but I am fairly sure the first kanji means big? I admit I googled the rest, which is Gongen it...
Ok, this might be shocking for some, as I tend to magnetize my models a lot, but I actually haven't magnetized my Knights. During painting I...
Looks solid. :)
Perhaps @NIGHTBRINGER should do a new version of this poll. I have voted in it (I am third generation) but a lot of the guys who voted back then...
I just had the honor of giving @LizardWizard his 2000th like. You are of great value for this community, glad to have you around! :)
Welcome! Nice dice!
But... allies being worth it would basically mean that some armies have units that - without buffs because synergies are missing - are good enough...
I can measure it once I am home tonight.
I also tend to think it is a good thing. I fear cherry picking if allies/mercenaries/whatever become less restricted. Another thing I would fear...
I only know McDonald's and Burger King, so I didn't vote. But among those two I'd say the McDonald's ones are a bit better.
Good job with the game and the report!
Agree. I came up with something similar (artefacts leveling up) for a narrative campaign I run, and I like how GW had the same idea. :)
That's true. Same here. (Except I have only two) I still managed to get a Kurnoth Hunter built for my wife's army last night.
I don't have a solution. For some things (like banners on the Stegadon or so) I magnetize them so they don't break, but on spears... I just glue...
Preparing to paint my blood Bowl team (humans from the box until we get a new Lizardmen team).