Don't bother with plastic glue on metals. It only works because it literally melts the plastic on both halves and essentially cold welds things...
No worries, Chicken basket (interesting username by the way :P) as mentioned, the rules are often not completely clear and the way they are...
It looks like he did not. All 3 votes are in, the majority is on Eternity_Warden. Whether by mistake or intention, he is executed by the crew....
He was probably replying to me. I claimed it could allow a Slann to cast with 7 dice, not Canegham. Want proof? Lizardmen army book, page 43,...
I don't think its twisting the rules at all really, at any one time no one can go above 12 dice but if you have things to get you extra dice or...
Well, I think with magic now the Slann is basically an irresistable option, however, the carnosaur is pretty sweet too. Thunderstomp? It looks...
And you are 250mm wide (thats nearly a ruler, ~10 inches!) which is big. If you faced a 10 wide unit on 20mm bases, they would be 200mm so corner...
Yep I read it to mean if you cast with the Slann and have got 12 dice in your pool, he doesn't get the free one for that spell. I think he could...
Yeah you have always been able to use spears and shields together...
It will be difficult for anyone to give specific answers unless someone who has done the same conversion happens across this.. A few general tips...
The way I see it, you read the Slann's rules. NOTHING at all in there even slightly suggests that his mounted. It is purely an aesthetic thing...
They look good. Nice colour scheme! I'd probably add a very thin highlight to the orange, especially on the crest, to give it a bit more definition.
Unit champ mostly done apart from detail. And I really don't like his head at the moment... Will need to fix it. [attach]
So 5 people remain here! In an unprecedented majority where even the main accused voted for himself we have 100% of votes on one person!...
After a bit of a sleep, I return! BTW, here is the drink I was consuming. Fits a lizardman theme with the swamp look, no? [attach]
Re: Suppe's -wow everybody named it log- log. Good highlighting around the tongue area! Step by step for how you achieved it?
Hmmm I thought you didn't get LoS anymore if base size was different.. Or its reduced?
New standard and musician converted and assembled: [attach] 4.30am. Running out of steam.
Low quality photo of painting update, scales are half done. Now waiting for the wash to dry. Its 2.30am, and fatigue is starting to hit a little...
welcome to the challenge mate! Feel free to join the rest of us on msn. ;) Mine is, from there i can invite you to...