Hmm yeah sure fair enough. However, are there any combos out there that could potentially give hatred or AP twice? All items you can only take 1...
I would seriously start respecting their IP and stop helping people acquire text if they did that. Wait.... What? AFAIK from the thread on the...
Well first of all, this part of the board is purely for posting army lists so I will move the thread to tactics. ;) Terradons are indeed a very...
Thats what I'm thinking. Skirmishing javelins will be good, but probably still not worth the extra points. Skirmishing blow pipes will also be...
Don't forget you can use the armour save from the shield at long range so its still useful against shooting attacks. But besides that, yes it is a...
So yeah, blow pipes will not get quick to fire... Apparently its not even in the FAQ. However, skirmishers will be able to march and shoot. I'm...
I haven't prepared fluff for my army yet, though I have ideas in mind. My Slann is a slightly mad Slann whose palanquin got nearly destroyed...
Ok sorry for being a bit late, real life got in the way again. Looks like there shall be a majority this time! Lets count the votes. It seems...
Hmm I can't speak for the others.. But PM me your email if you want to know. I like it that magic is now described in the correct part of the...
Thats a pretty cool colour scheme, nice work!
Yeah thats what it means. Further in the thread it is clarified as that, you can still use the free PD but if you start with 12 dice and throw a...
I think thats going to be a little bit of a loophole, and it would definitely be worth waiting for the FAQ before doing a conversion. I have the...
Cool - great to see that a horned one is no longer a magic item! That was just stupid. Cheers for the link.
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far...(Magnitizes Steg Finished) Awesome looking steg! Nice dedication to get it completely interchangeable. I...
OOC: Looks like monday it is, ~24 hours and the day will change.
They look good, nice work!
Yeah I am quite looking forward to it. Some aspects I don't like, but as usual I will get used to them and be fine with it. Very much looking...
About 50% of retail is about right if they are all assembled already and undercoated..
It is a wash. Just slop it on the gold/bone areas, it will look good.
Hmm interesting, never heard of it. What does it represent? The day Canada was settled or something? Anyway, happy Canada day I guess!